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Your Councillors

Parish Councillors come from various backgrounds and give their time freely to represent the views of all residents within the Parish. They endeavour to listen to and understand the views and needs of different groups in the community.

Whilst elections are scheduled to take place every four years (next being May 2027) each year the Council elects a Chairman and Vice-Chairman to oversee the conduct at meetings.

Councillors are accessible to residents to listen to their concerns and to deal with them or to pass them for action to the appropriate authorities directly; biographies will be available by clicking on Meet Your Councillors, and you can email them using the addresses below:


Chairman Sara Mildmay-White sara.mildmay-white@rushbrookewithrougham-pc.gov.uk
Vice Chairman Jeff Horner jeff.horner@rushbrookewithrougham-pc.gov.uk
Councillor Debbie Hockey debbie.hockey@rushbrookewithrougham-pc.gov.uk
Councillor Tracey Skoyles tracey.skoyles@rushbrookewithrougham-pc.gov.uk
Councillor John Newman john.newman@rushbrookewithrougham-pc.gov.uk
Councillor Kate Hardy kate.hardy@rushbrookewithrougham-pc.gov.uk

To review the Councillors' Registers of Interests please follow this link: Register of Interests

District Councillor Sara Mildmay-White sara.mildmay-white@westsuffolk.gov.uk
County Councillor Karen Soons karen.soons@suffolk.gov.uk

Clerk to the Parish Council

The Clerk to the Council is Christine Mason.

The Clerk is the Council's 'Proper Officer' and is generally the first point of contact for Council business and responsible for advising and supporting the Council, setting and publishing the agenda for meetings, and implementing the decisions and policies of the Council.

You can contact the Clerk by emailing parishclerk@rushbrookewithrougham-pc.gov.uk